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iTrack Pointer

iTrack Pointer facilitates controlling your vehicles. It sniffs out suspicious cases based on the specified parameters and generates reports about them. These reports can easily be reviewed, in order to speed up the work of the user.

You can select the vehicles to be checked by clicking on the “Targets” button in the top left corner. The list of selected targets will appear next to the button. The time interval is the entire previous month by default, but you can change it in the usual way. The check can be started by clicking on the “Start investigation” button. Below the list on the left, there is the “Save to Excel” button, which allows you to save the test rows into a table.

The operation may take several minutes. The result is shown in the left-hand list. When you click on a report, a map appears in the upper right part of the window showing the route section in which the event occurred. The map can be handled in the usual manner for tracking. On the graph underneath you can see the relevant data, with the section giving rise to the report hatched. Click on the graph to move the vehicle to the corresponding route section on the map. The graph can be used in the normal way.

The events to be inspected can be configured almost arbitrarily, according to user requirements. Just a few examples of the selection:

  • Speeding
  • Fuel consumption too fast
  • Detection of refueling
  • Driving with doors open
  • Tilting in prohibited places (trucks, concrete mixers, etc.)
  • Unloading too short
  • Counting of border crossing events
  • Disconnect trailer
  • Arrival/departure to/from site
  • Stopping at an unknown place
  • Alarm due to measured values (e.g. cargo temperature too high, battery voltage too low, etc.).
  • Sales employee starts too late
  • Night driving

You can order a new Pointer from the iData custromer service.

(C) Copyright iData Kft., 2005-2022. All rights reserved.

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