Linux, macOS or Windows 10 operating system, at least 512 MB of free RAM for the program and a CPU with at least two cores. For the optimal performance of the map, a simple 3D video card is advantageous. If your computer has at least 3 GB of RAM, you can choose a larger memory configuration. For details see Memory usage optimization.
After opening the downloaded file, drag the client application on the Applications icon in the installer as shown, so the program will be added to your startup applications.
After that, the client can be started the same way as other applications.
The system monitors the applications installed from external sources. The first time you open it, you have to enable the application from the pop-up window or in System Preferences in the Security and Privacy page.
Click the "Cancel" button
Click the Apple menu > System settings/Security & Privacy > General > "Allow Anyway" button
Click the "Open" button
Proxy, firewall configuration
If a proxy server is configured in the operating system, the client program uses it to communicate with the iTrack server. No additional configuration is required in the iTrack client.
If the client program does not start, it may be necessary for the administrator to allow access to https://* (possibly https://* on the proxy server and firewall.
Using the iTrack client via a password protected proxy server is not supported, in this case please allow access to https://* (possibly https://* without a password on the proxy server.
If this does not work, please call Customer Service.
Optimizing memory usage
If your computer has at least 3 GB of RAM, we suggest raising the "Memory allocation limit" under the Resources option. This will ensure a smoother operation and it will be easier to render the map and the diagrams.
Installation with Panda Antivirus
In certain cases, Panda antivirus prevents starting the installer from the browser download panel. In this case, start the installer from the file browser.
Incorrect launch with Panda Antivirus - browser download panel
Launch correctly with Panda Antivirus - starting from file browser
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