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Frequently Asked Questions

Can multiple people use the same user name?

Yes, multiple people can use the same user name without any particular slowdown, up to 8 persons. Above this number, it is worth requesting a new user via our customer service.

I cannot log in to the client program; I get a login error message.

Please make sure that the Caps Lock key is not left on, your user name and password have been entered correctly, as well as your Internet connection is operational. If the problem persists, please contact our customer service at the following e-mail address:

I forgot my password, what do l do?

You can request your password to be reset by e-mail at

Strange characters appear in the table header of the client program.

Kérjük, a következő linken található prestart.bsh file-t töltse le, majd másolja be a C:\Documents and Settings/felhasználónév/.iTrack-client-stable/conf/default/ könyvtárba: ("felhasználónév" a Windows-os bejelentkezési neve), ezután indítsa el a kliensprogramot.

A kliensprogramban megjelenő dátum/idő nem megfelelő.

Please download the prestart.bsh file from the link below and copy it into the folder C:\Documents and Settings/Username/.iTrack-client-stable/conf/default/: letoltesek.html (“username” is your Windows login name), then start the client program.

Date/time displayed in the client program is not correct.

Please check the time zone settings of your computer; if it is correct, then copy the file downloaded from the link below into the folder C:\Documents and settings\username\.iTrack-client-stable\localconf of the faulty computer (“username” is your Windows login name): etoltesek.html, and then restart your computer.

I do not see the movement of the vehicle in tracking, a red flag is shown next to the registration number, and there is no check mark next to it..

The vehicle is abroad and has no connection with our server. If you did not purchase international service, this is normal. The unit stores data even during this time, and when the vehicle returns home, it automatically connects and uploads the information recorded abroad. If you have an active international services for the vehicle, and the last position is older than half an hour, please contact our customer service.

I do not see the movement of the vehicle in tracking, a small house is shown next to the registration number, and there is no check mark next to it.

The vehicle is home (not abroad) and has no connection with our server. If the last position is older than half an hour, please contact our customer service.

The vehicle is moving, the position is updated, but nothing appears in the routes.

The vehicle ignition signal is not correct.

(C) Copyright iData Kft., 2005-2022. All rights reserved.

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